Exhibition view TILL VELTEN
Uri Geller – Birgit Kempker, 2015-2016
Room video installation
Exhibition view TILL VELTEN
7 Glasfenster – Herr Hauser, 2015-2016
Room video installation
Exhibition view TILL VELTEN
7 Glasfenster – Herr Hauser, 2015-2016
Exhibition view TILL VELTEN
Kettengesprächsständer, 2012-2016
Exhibition view TILL VELTEN
Josi, 2014-2016
Video installation
Kettengesprächsständer, 2012-2016
Detail view
The German artist Till Velten asks questions in search for personal stories. His plastic medium is the language, predominantly used in the form of interviews and documented as videos, installations and publications. As a “sculptor of conversations“ he replaces images with words and transforms inner life into art: portraits and sketches of the world.
His latest publication “Mirrors, Chains, Transitions“ presents encounters dealing with the relation between materiality and spirituality. The monograph, that comprises texts by various authors and a specially created visual work, was edited by Lilian Pfaff. It is a project by edition fink, published through Verlag für moderne Kunst.